Promoting Agritourism in Burnett County
Agritourism is any agricultural-based operation that attracts tourists to visit local farms, ranches or other agricultural businesses. It is evident that agriculture is a vital component of the economy, culture and landscape of Burnett County. The goal of Burnett County Fresh is to cultivate relationships with those in the community while working to bridge the gap between the producer and consumer. Agriculture can be an intimidating topic of discussion; which is why it is essential that there are countless opportunities for folks to get educated and see just how producers are working to feed the world.

Shop Local. Eat Local.
Market Locations & Times
Burnett County Farmers Market operates Memorial Day weekend through the 2nd week in October, featuring locally grown and produced products within a 40 mile radius. You will find seasonal vegetables, fruits, artisan breads and baked goods, fresh eggs, perennials, natural body care products, honey, maple syrup, jams and jellies, fresh beef, chicken and pork, handmade crafts and so much more!.
Saturdays 10:00am - 1:00pm
Located at Adventure Church at the corner of Hwy 35 & 70
May 27 - October 14
Fridays 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Memory Lake Park, near downtown Grantsburg.
May 26 - October 13
Wednesdays 4:00pm - 8:00pm
Located at the Log Cabin Store & Eatery, at the corner of Hwy 35 & Hwy 77
June 21 - October 11
Fresh First Organizations
Burnett Dairy Cooperative is a 200-dairy, farmer-owned cooperative based near Grantsburg, Wisconsin.
Keep up to date on the latest news in local government. UWEX educators write about recent changes and issues that affect local governments.
The mission of the County Forest is to manage, conserve, and protect these resources on a sustainable basis for present and future generations.
The Land Services Department consists of three divisions: Conservation, Property Information and Zoning.
The Natural Resources Committee consists of four departments: Forestry and Parks, Land and Water Conservation, Tourism, and the U.W. Extension.
UW-Extension Dairy Team strengthens the competitiveness of the Wisconsin Dairy Industry through statewide leadership in education and research.
Our goal is to create an open environment for the sharing of information pertaining to beekeeping We support all beekeepers from beginner to expert.
Our mission is to promote sustainable agricultural businesses and practices in Burnett and Polk Counties and educate the public on its economic impact.

Farming Operations & Tours
Experience the small town charm of Northwest Wisconsin, as we travel the countryside to visit farms growing crops unique to the Midwest. See organic berries, corn, beans, alfalfa, barely, Italian rye grass, and other forages.
- Fieldstone Farms - Farm raised beef, pork & chicken
- Roadside Produce Stands
Apple Picking
These Burnett County apple orchards provide the juiciest delights Visit u-pick apple orchards that host over 120 apple trees, with over a dozen varieties to choose from, including Connel Red, Cortland, Fireside, Honeycrisp, McIntosh, and Zestar.

Breweries and Wineries

Breweries and Wineries
Wineries aren't just for California - Wisconsin's vineyards are not to be missed. In the old forests Burnett County, you'll stumble upon these award-winning gems:
Fairs and Annual Events
Don't forget to taste the mouth-watering fair food, pet the furry animals, dance to local music, watch the tractors pull, and discover the numerous exhibits at these Burnett County events:

Experience Nature

Experience Nature
The true beauty of Burnet County lies on back roads, wildlife areas, and trail heads. There is no better way to experience the great outdoors than hiking down a secluded path, or watching migratory birds. No matter the season, our trails at wetlands do not disappoint.
- Hiking/Biking Trails in Burnett County
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