Lakeside Realty Group - Services



Burnett County is filled with kind people and amazing service-sector businesses which make up the backbone of our communities. There are no fly-by-night businesses here, and many are family businesses in their second or third generation of ownership.

Having some Griswold-esque vehicle troubles in the midst of your vacation? Our area mechanics have you covered. Need to find a doctor for a sudden illness or injury? Our healthcare options are plentiful for a rural community.

Looking to turn your favorite weekend vacation spot into a more permanent second home? Our many real estate offices and contractors can help you do just that.

Often the unsung heroes, these service industry businesses are an integral part of our kind and welcoming community.

Lakeside Realty Group

Address 26601 Lakeland Ave N Suite A Webster WI 54893 Phone: 715-349-LAKE (5253) Phone: 715-566-0632 Website: Visit Website


Lakeside Realty gives you the power of a large real estate firm with a personal hometown feel and is headed by Deb Hitchcock, one of the top-selling real estate agents in Burnett County. We’re proud of the one-on-one relationships that our experienced and knowledgeable realtors have with our clients. We’re not just your real estate agents – we’re your neighbors, too. We’re excited to show you properties and help you find your dream home whether on the lakes and rivers, or in the forests and villages of Burnett County.

Whether you’re looking to buy or sell, Lakeside Realty is your Realtor!

Lakeside Realty, Webster, WI


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